Payment instruction via pan-European automated clearing house
Data needed for routing purposes for SEPA Credit Transfer to a client of the STATNA POKLADNICA - mandatory data**
Beneficiary‘s bank:
Radlinského 32
810 05 Bratislava
Beneficiary‘s account number IBAN**: SK55 8180 0000 0070 0026 0365
(if necessary use the IBAN validator)
Beneficiary´s account name: Technická inšpekcia, a.s.
(verify with the beneficiary - payment receiver)
Beneficiary´s address: Trnavská cesta 56, 821 01 Bratislava
Country code: SK
Remittance information
( for example invoice number, variable symbol VS, constant symbol KS, specific symbol SS, etc.)
*SEPA payment – payment in EUR,
There is need for:
- right BIC code of the beneficiary´s bank,
- beneficiary´s account number in the right form of IBAN code
- instruction on fees of SHA – payer/beneficiary, bank of payer connected to the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme.
- SEPA countries – member states EU, members countries of EEA, territories accepted as part of EU (Article 299 of Rome Agreement) and countries acceded voluntarily on SEPA.
Data needed for the transfer of a cross-border payment to a client of Statna Pokladnica via correspondent banking by the intermediary bank via SWIFT:
Beneficiary’s intermediary bank: Všeobecná úverová banka, a.s.
Mlynske Nivy 1
829 90 Bratislava
Please contact SUBASKBX in order to find correspondent banks.
Beneficiary‘s account number (IBAN): SK55 8180 0000 0070 0026 0365
(if necessary use the IBAN validator)
Beneficiary´s account name: Technická inšpekcia, a.s.
(verify with the beneficiary - payment receiver)
Beneficiary´s address: Trnavská cesta 56, 821 01 Bratislava, Slovakia
Remittance information
(for example invoice number, variable symbol VS, constant symbol KS, specific symbol SS, etc.)
*SEPA payment – payment in EUR,
There is need for:
- right BIC code of the beneficiary´s bank,
- beneficiary´s account number in the right form of IBAN code
- instruction on fees of SHA – payer/beneficiary, bank of payer connected to the SEPA Credit Transfer scheme.