(§ 5 of the Public Notice no. 508/2009 Coll.)
- Evaluation of construction documentation is performed based on application and construction documentation submitted to office in extent as follows :
- name, address and Company registration number,
- characteristics of equipment including the classification of group, subgroup respectively the class according to § 3, of Annex no. 1 and parameters according to Annex no. 4 of the Public Notice no. 508/2009 Coll.,
- description and function of equipment,
- layout and main units drawings,
- calculations of important construction parts including mechanism,
- schemes of electrical wiring, hydraulic and pneumatic distributions, including technical report containing relevant data and parameters of equipment, lines, pipelines etc.,
- equipment by measuring, regulation and safety components with their description and function,
- principles for test performance and criteria for satisfactory results,
- list of used regulations and standards with eventual listing of differences and with description of solution from the point of view of technical safety,
- instructions for operation according to Annex no. 3 of the Public Notice no. 508/2009 Coll.
Submitted construction documentation for classified pressure and gas equipment shall contain following :
- type of working medium, its physical and chemical properties,
- drawings of pressure and important construction parts with data needed for strength calculation,
- strength and other calculations of construction parts,
- drawing of connection from the viewpoint of working medium inlet and output if necessary.
For crane runways is enough documentation containing:
- name, address and Company registration number,
- characteristics of runway including the group classification,
- layout and subassembly drawings,
- calculation,
- technical report including the list of used regulations and standards.
- Construction documentation shall be submitted in two copies.
In case, that construction documentation shall not contain any substantial insufficients, the Expert and binding standpoint and Certificate on construction documentation shall be issued.