(§ 10 of the Public Notice no. 508/2009 Coll.)
- Type examination is performed on equipment, where the production in series is expected of ten or more pieces of same type and is carried out after assessment of construction documentation of the type and after issuance of expert standpoint for documentation of type.
- Type examination is performed based on application which shall contain:
- name, address and Company registration number of applicant,
- name of equipment,
- proposed date of test to be performed,
- location of equipment (place of test to be performed),
- information whether applicant asked in the same matter applied at other subject or Regional Office of Technická inšpekcia, a.s.
- information on material, technical facilitation, personnel and premises available for test, especially:
- process of examination,
- facilitation with machinery, apparatuses, testing equipment and instruments to be used during type examination performance,
- professional qualification of persons who will carry the examinations and measurements,
- the way, how will be ensured in case that inspector of TI should not be present permanently (i.e. long-term tests of cyclical stress, life tests can not be influenced negatively, distorted etc. (i.e. plumbing of testing equipment and cycle counter, sealing of testing room etc.)
- The conditions shall be agreed personally or by telephone with respective regional office of Technická inšpekcia, a.s.. Technická inšpekcia, a.s. shall evaluated the test and in case of successful test shall issue Certificate on type examination.
- According to §2 section 2 of Public Notice no. 508/2009 Coll. type examination of determined products shall be performed according to relevant Governmental Ordinances of the Slovak Republic issued according to Act no. 56/2018 Coll. as amended.