Accreditation issued by the Slovak National Accreditation Service (SNAS), Certificate of Accreditation No.: O-010 according to the requirements of the standard ISO/IEC 17024:2012 for certification of natural persons who carry out tests, expert inspection and expert tests, repairs and operation of classified technical equipment according to the § 14 section 1 letter c) of the Act no. 124/2006 Coll. on Safety and Health Protection at Work and certification of natural persons who carry out projection and designing of classified technical equipment.
Technická inšpekcia, a.s. - Certification Body for Persons - TI CO |
Central Office Trnavská cesta 56 821 01 Bratislava |
Regional Office Železničiarska 18 811 04 Bratislava |
Regional Office Mostná 66 949 01 Nitra |
Regional Office Partizánska cesta 71 974 00 Banská Bystrica |
Regional Office Južná trieda 95 040 48 Košice |
Tel. | +421 2 57267 032 | +421 2 57267 032 | +421 37 7920 700 | +421 48 4722 621 | +421 55 7208 111 |
Fax | +421 2 49208 106 | +421 37 7920 750 | +421 55 7208 124 | || | | | | |